20+ Telltale Signs Your Dog Has Fallen in Love With You!

Facing Away While Doing Their Business

Walking along the paths in the park, you might notice an interesting phenomenon: when dogs prepare to do their business, they often choose a direction where their back is facing their owner. You might wonder, why do dogs choose this position?


In the animal world, the back and rear are the most vulnerable to attack, as they are the least defended. Especially during moments like defecation, animals are completely relaxed and unable to react quickly. Hence, for many animals, choosing a safe direction to relieve themselves is crucial.

But why do dogs choose to face away from their owner? This is actually a display of extreme trust. When dogs do this, they are telling you, ‘I know I am safest in front of you. I trust you completely and am not worried that you will harm me.’ This level of trust is built on long periods of companionship and deep emotional bonds.
