20+ Telltale Signs Your Dog Has Fallen in Love With You!

Licking Your Face

When your dog walks up to you and gently licks your face, you might think it’s just a small habit or a way to seek attention. However, the emotional depth and historical background behind this act far exceed what we might initially think.


To truly understand this behavior, we need to look back to ancient times, to the lives of dogs’ ancestors—the wolves. In wild wolf packs, when the pups were too young to hunt for themselves, the mother wolf would hunt and chew food, then pass it to her pups through her mouth. This act was not just about feeding; it represented deep trust and reliance. In the animal world, sharing food equates to sharing life itself.

Now, when our pet dogs lick our faces, they might not be seeking food, but the emotions of trust and dependence this action represents still remain. It’s their silent way of expressing love, a deep emotional connection. When a dog does this, it’s actually telling us, ‘I trust you, I depend on you, I love you.’

So, the next time your dog licks your face, consider pausing for a moment to give them a loving embrace in return. It’s a beautiful expression of the deep love they have for you.
