Top 20+ Most Expensive Dog Breeds In The World

Dogs are known as man’s best friend, dating back to their domestication between 19,000 and 32,000 years ago. After domestication, dogs and humans became good partners: dogs at that time were genetically closer to wolves, and they were better at helping humans hunt down prey; while humans were better at making fires, bringing warmth and cooked food to dogs.

Image by Ewa Ziemska/Wikimedia; Artem Sapegin/Unsplash; Hookery (Yuri Hooker)/Wikimedia

Thousands of years later, dogs are still an important part of our lives. Some dogs have become valuable breeds due to their rarity, breed purity, character advantages, history and other reasons. Today we will take stock of the 20 most expensive dog breeds in the world to give you an in-depth understanding of their characteristics and value.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Average Price: $1,000
Country of Origin: United Kingdom

Image by Courtney Mihaka/Unsplash

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, a toy breed originating from England, not only carries a regal name but also a rich lineage, being named after King Charles II. These purebreds, which can cost up to a thousand dollars, seamlessly blend an aristocratic aura with a gentle and affectionate demeanor, making them a beloved companion across the globe.

In the U.S., this breed is cherished for its adaptability and friendly nature, fitting perfectly into various living situations, from bustling family homes to the quiet residences of seniors. Their historical charm and petite size make them not just pets, but delightful, royal-like members of numerous American households, offering a slice of English history and luxury in everyday American life.
